Priors of Great Potential

Common Sense reduced to Priors

Matthijs Brouns , Vincent Warmerdam

The goal of this document is to summarise a lesson we’ve had in the last year. We’ve done a lot of work on algorithmic bias (and open-sourced it) and the main lessons we learned is that constraints are an amazing idea that deserve to be used more often in machine learning. This point drove us write the following formula on a whiteboard;

\[ \text{model} = \text{data} \times \text{constraints} \]

After writing it down, we noticed that we’ve seen this before but in a different notation.

\[ p(\theta | D) = p(\text{D} | \theta) p(\theta) \]

It’s poetic: maybe … just maybe … priors can be interpreted as constraints that we wish to impose on models. It is knowledge that we have about how the model should work even if the data wants to push us in another direction.

So what we’d like to do in this blogpost is explore the idea of constraints a bit more. First by showcasing how our open source package deals with it but then showing how a probabilistic approach might be able to use bayes rule to go an extra mile.

Dataset and Fairness

The dataset we’ll be using can be found in scikit-lego. It contains traffic arrests in Toronto and it is our job to predict if somebody is released after they are arrested. It has attributes for skin color, gender, age, employment, citizenship, past interactions and date. We consider date, employment and citizenship to be proxies that go into the model while we keep gender, skin color and age seperate as sensitive attributes that we want to remain fair on.

Here’s a preview of the dataset.

released colour year age sex employed citizen checks
Yes False 2002 True False Yes Yes 3
No True 1999 True False Yes Yes 3
Yes False 2000 True False Yes Yes 3
No True 2000 False False Yes Yes 1
Yes True 1999 False True Yes Yes 1

The dataset is interesting because not only is there a fairness risk; there is also a balancing issue. The balancing issue can be dealt with by adding a class_weight parameter while the fairness can be dealt with in many ways (exibit A, exibit B). A favorable method (we think so) is to apply a hard constraint. Our implementation of EqualOpportunityClassifier does this running a logistic regression constrained by the distance to the decision boundary in two groups.

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklego.linear_model import EqualOpportunityClassifier

unfair_model = LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced')
fair_model = EqualOpportunityClassifier(
    covariance_threshold=0.9, # strictness of threshold
    positive_target='Yes',    # name of the preferable label
    sensitive_cols=[0, 1, 2]  # columns in X that are considered sensitive
), y), y)

Details on the Methods.

Logstic Regression works by optimising the log likelihood.

\[ \begin{array}{cl}{\operatorname{minimize}} & -\sum_{i=1}^{N} \log p\left(y_{i} | \mathbf{x}_{i}, \boldsymbol{\theta}\right) \\\end{array} \]

But what if we add constraints here? That’s what the EqualOpportunityClassifier does.

\[ \begin{array}{cl}{\operatorname{minimize}} & -\sum_{i=1}^{N} \log p\left(y_{i} | \mathbf{x}_{i}, \boldsymbol{\theta}\right) \\ {\text { subject to }} & {\frac{1}{POS} \sum_{i=1}^{POS}\left(\mathbf{z}_{i}-\overline{\mathbf{z}}\right) d \boldsymbol{\theta}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i}\right) \leq \mathbf{c}} \\ {} & {\frac{1}{POS} \sum_{i=1}^{POS}\left(\mathbf{z}_{i}-\overline{\mathbf{z}}\right) d_{\boldsymbol{\theta}}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i}\right) \geq-\mathbf{c}}\end{array} \]

It minimizes the log loss while constraining the correlation between the specified sensitive_cols and the distance to the decision boundary of the classifier for those examples that have a y_true of 1.

See documentation.


The main difference between the two approaches is that in the Logistic Regression scheme we drop the sensitive columns while the other approach actively corrects for them. The table below shows the cross-validated summary of the mean test performance of both models.

model eqo_color eqo_age eqo_sex precision recall
LR 0.6986 0.7861 0.8309 0.9187 0.6345
EOC 0.9740 0.9929 0.9892 0.8353 0.9893

Details on Equal Opportunity Score. One way of measuring fairness could be to measure equal opportunity, which is abbreviated above as eqo. The idea is that we have a sensity attribute, say race, for which we don’t want unfairness with regards to the positive outcome \(y = 1\). Then equal opportunity is defined as follows;

\[ \text{equality of opportunity} = \min \left(\frac{P(\hat{y}=1 | z=1, y=1)}{P(\hat{y}=1 | z=0, y=1)}, \frac{P(\hat{y}=1 | z=0, y=1)}{P(\hat{y}=1 | z=1, y=1)}\right) \] Extra details can be found here.

You can also confirm the difference between the two models by looking at their coefficients.

model intercept employed citizen year checks
LR -1.0655 0.7913 0.7537 -0.0101 -0.5951
EOC 0.5833 0.7710 0.6826 -0.0196 -0.5798

There are a few things to note at this stage;

Probabilistic Programming

This brings us back to the formulae that we started with.

\[ \text{model} = \text{data} \times \text{constraints} \]

In our case the constraints we want concern fairness.

\[ p(\theta | D) \propto \underbrace{p(D | \theta)}_{\text{data}} \underbrace{p(\theta)}_{\text{fairness?}} \]

So can we come up with a prior for that?

To explore this idea we set out to reproduce our results from earlier in PyMC3. We started with an implementation of logistic regression but found that it did not match our earlier results. The results of the trace are listed below. We show the distribution of the weights as well as a distribution over the unfairness which is defined like so;

mu_diff = pm.Deterministic('mu_diff', dist_colour.mean() - dist_non_colour.mean())

PyMC3 Implementation.

with pm.Model() as unbalanced_model:
  intercept = pm.Normal('intercept', 0, 1)
  weights = pm.Normal('weights', 0, 1, shape=X.shape[1])

  p = pm.math.sigmoid(intercept +, weights))
  dist_colour = intercept +, weights)
  dist_non_colour = intercept +, weights)
  diff = dist_colour.mean() - dist_non_colour.mean()
  mu_diff = pm.Deterministic('mu_diff', diff)

  pm.Bernoulli('released', p, observed=df['released'])

  unbalanced_trace = pm.sample(tune=1000, draws=1000, chains=6)
Standard Logistic Regression in PyMC3.

Figure 1: Standard Logistic Regression in PyMC3.

This was because our original logistic regression had a balanced setting. Luckily for us PyMC3 has a feature to address this; pm.Potential.


The idea behind the potential is that you add a prior on a combination of parameters instead of just having it on a single one. For example, this is how you’d usually set parameters;

mu    = pm.Normal('mu', 0, 1)
sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', 0, 1)

By setting the sigma prior to be HalfNormal we prevent it from ever becoming negative. But what if we’d like to set another prior, namely that \(\mu \approx \sigma\)? This is what pm.Potential can be used for.

pm.Potential('balance', pm.Normal.dist(0, 0.1).logp(mu - sigma))

Adding a potential has an effect on the likelihood of a tracepoint.

Example of a tracepoint that is both less (left) and more likely (right) given the potential.

Figure 2: Example of a tracepoint that is both less (left) and more likely (right) given the potential.

This in turn will make the posterior look different.

The effect that the potential might have.

Figure 3: The effect that the potential might have.

Back to Logistic Regression

So we made a second version of the logistic regression.

PyMC3 Implementation.

with pm.Model() as balanced_model:
    intercept = pm.Normal('intercept', 0, 1)
    weights = pm.Normal('weights', 0, 1, shape=X.shape[1])

    p = pm.math.sigmoid(intercept +, weights))
    dist_colour = intercept +, weights)
    dist_non_colour = intercept +, weights)
    diff = dist_colour.mean() - dist_non_colour.mean()
    mu_diff = pm.Deterministic('mu_diff', diff)
    balance = pm.Bernoulli.dist(p).logp(df['released'].values)
    pm.Potential('balance', sample_weights.values * balance)

    balanced_trace = pm.sample(tune=1000, draws=1000, chains=6)

Note the new formulation of the likelihood of our observed data. Where before we used the pm.Bernoulli directly, now we use its .dist attribute inside a pm.Potential object

These results were in line with our previous result again.

But that pm.Potential can also be used for other things! Suppose we have our original trace that generates our posterior.

From trace to posterior.

Figure 4: From trace to posterior.

Now also suppose that we have a function that describes our potential.

Two belief systems ...

Figure 5: Two belief systems …

Then these two can be combined! Our prior can span beyond a single parameter it can influence the entire posterior.

Two belief systems ... merged!

Figure 6: Two belief systems … merged!

So we’ve come up with a potential for fairness.

X_colour, X_non_colour = split_groups(X, key="colour")
dist_colour = intercept +, weights)
dist_non_colour = intercept +, weights)
mu_diff = pm.Deterministic('mu_diff', dist_colour.mean() - dist_non_colour.mean())
pm.Potential('dist', pm.Normal.dist(0, 0.01).logp(mu_diff))

Note that in this code the 0.01 value on the bottom line. This value can be interpreted as strictness for fairness. The lower it is, the less wiggle room the sampler has to explore areas that are not fair.

The results can be seen below.

PyMC3 Implementation.

with pm.Model() as dem_par_model:
    intercept = pm.Normal('intercept', 0, 1)
    weights = pm.Normal('weights', 0, 1, shape=X.shape[1])

    p = pm.math.sigmoid(intercept +, weights))

    dist_colour = intercept +, weights)
    dist_non_colour = intercept +, weights)
    diff = dist_colour.mean() - dist_non_colour.mean()
    mu_diff = pm.Deterministic('mu_diff', diff)

    pm.Potential('dist', pm.Normal.dist(0, 0.01).logp(mu_diff))
    balance = pm.Bernoulli.dist(p).logp(df['released'].values
    pm.Potential('balance', sample_weights.values * balance))

    dem_par_trace = pm.sample(tune=1000, draws=1000, chains=6)
Potential Fairness in PyMC3.

Figure 7: Potential Fairness in PyMC3.

Still a problem

There’s still an issue. We’ve gotten a flexible approach here. Compare to the scikit approach we can have more flexible definitions of fairness and we can have more flexible models (hierarchical models, non-linear models) but at the moment our models does not guarantee fairness.

Even though the prior on the difference between the groups is set to a very narrow distribution around zero, there is still some probability mass far away from zero. We tried putting a uniform prior on the distance between the two groups to get rid of that probability mass, but this makes it nearly impossible for a sampler to explore the posterior space.

But then Matthijs came up with a neat little hack.

Posterior Belief and Potential Direction

Figure 8: Posterior Belief and Potential Direction

We use our potential to push samples in a direction. This push must be continous if we want gradients to help ous out here. But after this push is done, we would we would like to make a hard cutoff on our fairness. So why don’t we just filter out the sampled points that we don’t like?

After the data is pushed we do a hard filter.

Figure 9: After the data is pushed we do a hard filter.

This way, we still get a distribution out but this distribution is guaranteed to never assign any probability mass in regions where we deem the predictions to be ‘unfair’.

PyMC3 Implementation.

def trace_filter(trace, param, threshold_val):
    Filters a PyMC multitrace to remove all samples 
    where param is greater than threshold  value
    mask = np.abs(trace[param']) < threshold_val
    print(f"starting trace length: {len(trace[param])}")
    print(f'remainder: {mask.sum()}')
    strace = trace._straces[0]
    new_strace = pm.backends.NDArray(model=strace.model, vars=strace.vars)
    samples = {varname: trace[varname][mask] for varname in trace.varnames}
    new_strace.samples = samples
    new_strace.draws = mask.sum()
    new_strace.draw_idx = mask.sum()
    new_strace.chain = 0
    return pm.backends.base.MultiTrace([new_strace])
def hard_constraint_model(df):
    def predict(trace, df):
        X = df[['year', 'employed', 'citizen', 'checks']].values
        regr = trace['intercept'][:, None] + trace['weights'] @ X.T
        return expit(regr.mean(axis=0))
    X = df[['year', 'employed', 'citizen', 'checks']].values
    X_colour, X_non_colour = X[df['colour'] == 1], X[df['colour'] == 0] 

    class_weights = len(df) / df['released'].value_counts()
    sample_weights = df['released'].map(class_weights)
    with pm.Model() as dem_par_model:
        intercept = pm.Normal('intercept', 0, 1)
        weights = pm.Normal('weights', 0, 1, shape=X.shape[1])

        p = pm.math.sigmoid(intercept +, weights))

        dist_colour = intercept +, weights)
        dist_non_colour = intercept +, weights)
        diff = dist_colour.mean() - dist_non_colour.mean()
        mu_diff = pm.Deterministic('mu_diff', diff)

        pm.Potential('dist', pm.Normal.dist(0, 0.01).logp(mu_diff))
        balance = pm.Bernoulli.dist(p).logp(df['released'].values)
        pm.Potential('balance', sample_weights.values * balance)

        dem_par_trace = pm.sample(tune=1000, draws=1000, chains=6)
    return trace_filter(dem_par_trace, 0.16), predict

Note that in the results, the fairness metric has a hard cutoff.

Enforce Fairness in PyMC3.

Figure 10: Enforce Fairness in PyMC3.

The approach that we propose here is relatively generic. You can make hierarchical models and you have more flexiblity in your definition of fairness. You start with constraints which you need to translate into a potential after which you can apply a strict filter.

The general recipe.

Figure 11: The general recipe.

We’ve just come up with an approach where our potential represents fairness. Since we filter the trace afterwards we have an algorithm with properties we like. We don’t want to suggest this approach is perfect though, so here’s some valid points of critique;


We’re pretty exited about this way of thinking about models. The reason why is best described with an analogy in fashion and is summerised in this photo;

This is what `OneSizeForAll().fit()` looks like. It never fits perfectly.

Figure 12: This is what OneSizeForAll().fit() looks like. It never fits perfectly.

We think scikit-learn is an amazing tool. It sparked the familiar .fit()/.predict() interface that the ecosystem has grown accostomed to and it introduced a wonderful concept via its Pipeline-API. But all this greatness comes at a cost; people seem to be getting lazy.

Every problem get’s reduced to something that can be put into a .fit()/.predict() pipeline. The clearest examples of this can be found on the kaggle platform. Kaggle competitions are won by reducing a problem to a single metric, optimising it religiously and not worrying about the application. They’re not won by understanding the problem, modelling towards it or by wondering how the algorithm might have side-effects that you don’t want.

It is exactly on this axis that this approach gives us hope. Instead of calling you get to enact tailer.model() because you’re forced to think in constraints. This means that we actually get to model again! We can add common sense as a friggin’ prior! How amazing is that!

Dream a Little

To add a cherry on top; in our example we’re using fairness as a driving argument but the reason to be exited goes beyond that.

The act of thinking constraints immediately makes you seriously consider the problem before modelling and that … that’s got a lot of potential.


This document is written by both myself and Vincent Warmerdam and it is posted on two blogs. The code used here can be found in this github repository.